Piel de animales/Animal's fur:
Vale la pena/ is it really worth it?
Vale la pena/ is it really worth it?
Simplemente queria compartir algo muy serio con usetedes... yo sabia sobre lo mal que tratan a los animales para obtener sus pieles... pero nunca habia visto un video ni nada... es algo muy dramatico... es algo horrible... no vi todo el video porque simplemente se me hacia muy triste ver tal tortura hacia aquellos animales... pero si vi cuando esas personas ( si es que se les puede decir asi) asotaban a los pobres animales contra el suelo varias veces... y el pobre animal o se moria o seguia un tanto vivo.. pero aturdido.... despues sin siquiera asegurarse de que estubiera muerto o no le cortaban las patitas y despues empesabana desprender la piel de el porbre animal... mientras se retorcia de dolor!! Por favor... no usen prendas hechas con pieles de animal... aunque no lo crean... talves paresca que no es mucho lo que hacen.. pero lo es!!
Agradescanme no poner imagenes de esta atrocidad... ya que quedarian traumatisados!
I just simply wanted to share something very important with you guys... i knew about how bad they treat the animals to obtain the animal's fur... but i never saw a video or anything to realize how badly it really was...in the video... this people ( if they are still consider people) just smash the little animals against the ground several times to kill them... but the animal either just stood kind of still alive or dead... then those people just started cutting their little paws... and they didnt even check if the animal was still alive or not... and then they started peeling the skinf off the animal... while it just shaked from pain!!... So please... don't use animal's fur...believe it or not... eventhough it doesn't look like it... but you can make a change by not buyingnor wearing this furs!!
Thank me that i didn't include any of this images... because then you'll get traumatize!!
Sinceramente/Sincerely, Alma
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